My research on private museology encompasses two distinct yet interconnected studies. The first leg, building upon my undergraduate thesis in sociology at Galatasaray University (Istanbul), ventures into private museology’s integration within Istanbul’s cultural industry in the 21st century. Focusing on the illustrious Pera Museum and Sabancı Museum, I investigate their role as catalysts in invigorating Istanbul’s cultural landscape during the 2000s. Through a comprehensive survey conducted at both museums, I delve into the impact of postmodern museology on visitor perceptions, experiences, and engagement. This exploration delves beyond the physical museum visit, embracing the entire spectrum of interactions, including participation in auxiliary events and programs.

In the second phase of my research, conducted as part of my master’s program in Anatolian Civilizations and Cultural Heritage Management at Koç University (Istanbul), I delve deeper into the intricacies of communication and marketing strategies within the context of visitor practices. With a narrower focus solely on the Pera Museum, I conducted an extensive survey to unravel the nuanced relationship between “new museology” attributes and visitor behaviors. This in-depth analysis, involving over 200 participants and spanning different days and times, seeks to uncover how the evolving landscape of museology shapes visitor experiences and engagement.

These parallel studies not only contribute to the academic discourse surrounding museology and cultural consumption but also hold practical implications for cultural institutions and professionals. By uncovering the intricate interplay between museums, postmodern trends, and visitor dynamics, my research offers insights that can enrich the visitor experience and contribute to the ongoing transformation of Istanbul’s cultural tapestry.

The reviewed version of my MA thesis was published:
“Private Museology: Establishing New Cultural Industries in Istanbul”

Private Museology: Establishing New Cultural Industries a book written by Dr. Elif Çiğdem Artan

This study aims at examining the integration of private museology into Istanbul’s culture industry in the twenty-first century, and focuses on the case of the Pera Museum by looking at its communication strategies with regards to visitor perceptions and the museum’s reputation. In this context, this study examines the concept of museology both in modern and postmodern periods, and looks at the developments in Turkish museology in the twenty-first century when private museums carrying a postmodern understanding of museology joined Istanbul’s culture industry. Moreover, based on survey research conducted in January 2009 at the Pera Museum, one of the most distinguished private museums in Istanbul, the study analyzes the effects of postmodern museology on museum visitors. It discusses the ways in which perceptions and expectations of visitors changed as they were exposed to messages and offerings of the private museums during the postmodern period.

September 2011
Publisher: LAP
Language: English
Paperback: 156 pages
ISBN-10: 9783844309492
ISBN-13: 978-3844309492


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