empowering authentic narratives within 360˚social sciences

hi, I’m elif çiğdem artan—a sociologist with a phd in [digital] humanities.
I have a scholarly and professional background in museology, urban studies, digital culture, migration, and gender.
@museumbuzzy, I offer tailored services in academic support, social media coaching, and creative empowerment with impactful solutions.

data is more than numbers — it’s the key to understanding, branding, and growing.
Driven by a passion for user-centric innovation, I bring a diverse skill set honed through years of expertise in qualitative and quantitative research, participatory curatorial practices, and feminist pedagogy.
I specialize in seamlessly transforming marketing and scientific data to craft engaging digital narratives using my UX/UI design skills and agile project management experiences within 360˚social sciences approach.

Let’s collaborate to create compelling (digital) products for your business that resonate with your audience!

Academic Support

Social Media Coaching

Creative Empowerment
How to craft engaging digital narratives?
CAMOC Migration:Cities Workshop, Frankfurt, 2018
Reconfiguration of “Migration” and “Woman” in a participatory museum project For a long time, migration was often represented in museums […]
@Jillisblack | Selling Blackness and Queerness in the Age of Identity Influencers #readingbuzzy
Recently, I developed a newfound interest in reading autobiographies of Influencers. I yearned to understand how they forged their online […]
Documentarist 16. İstanbul Belgesel Günleri’nde Neler İzledim?
Belgesel filmlere yaklaşımım sosyolojik araştırma okuma hevesimden pek de farklılaşmıyor aslında. Sonuçta, ikisinde de bir dertlenme ve hikâye anlatılıcılığı var.