Kızıl Goncalar - Cüneyd Efendi

Mira, Cüneyd Efendi’ye ne yanıt verebilirdi ve neden ver(e)medi? | #KızılGoncalar

Geçtiğimiz hafta, Kızıl Goncalar dizisinden bir kesit, sosyal medyada yine ikili toplum yapısına dair tartışmalara yol açtı: muhafazakârlar ve laikler. Ben sahnenin yanlış anlaşıldığına inananlardanım, çünkü sosyolojik bağlam görmezden gelinerek yanlış anlatılmış. ek istiyorum ki asıl problem, Türkiye yapımı birçok dizi/sinema işinde olduğu gibi, diyalog yazımında.

Mira, Cüneyd Efendi’ye ne yanıt verebilirdi ve neden ver(e)medi? | #KızılGoncalar Read Post »

Why so personal dramatic stories? — A short discussion on exhibiting migration and gender around “the 30 KG” #BerlinGlobal #exhibitionbuzzy

It definitely needs a particular post to discuss how and why not to design an exhibition on migration and gender by bringing together several unrelated topics along with long texts, but I keep the discussions around a general and crucial question for this post: Why so drama? — Why can’t we discuss migrant and refugee women’s years-long fighting and achievements in Berlin?

Why so personal dramatic stories? — A short discussion on exhibiting migration and gender around “the 30 KG” #BerlinGlobal #exhibitionbuzzy Read Post »

A catchy title, but is it appropriate? — Pre-Visit Comments on “30kg” Exhibition at Berlin Global

As it is stated on the “30 kg” exhibition opening invitation website, “Göç, değişimdir: Değişitirendir – Migration is a change: Migration changes [x].” But can we easily apply a symbolic narration of a particular ethnic minority deported from Turkey to all migration stories?

A catchy title, but is it appropriate? — Pre-Visit Comments on “30kg” Exhibition at Berlin Global Read Post »

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